Last week, well actually August 31, marked a day of change in our household. My youngest, Danielle, started Grade 1. I don't know who cried more, me or her. I miss that munchkin but I know she is ready for Grade 1. I must admit that the house is very quiet without her puttering with me, sharing stories and laughing together but now I have more stories to be heard at 340 pm.
It was a tough week for my munchkin. We had a couple days of "Mommy I miss too much to go to school" and then we had the "Playground Punch Incident." Yeah, you read it happy go lucky, not a care in the world, sensitive, sweet baby girl could punched in the face on the playground during noon hour recess. And the worst thing was I was at the school, well, at the front of the school and she was at the back. I was walking to her to say good bye when I saw a boy grab her, pin her arms and a BIG girl wind up and punch her in the face. I felt instantly sick to my stomach and mad as Hell as I saw her head snap back and the perpetrators drop her to the ground. I yelled but who the heck is going to hear me over the din of 550 children outstide on a crisp fall weather day??? When I got to her, the perpetrators had already left the vicinity and I checked over her injuries and bruised ego. The inside of her cheek was cut from a tooth and her face had a slight bruise. I was mad, damn mad. So mad that I could not walk into the school and tell her home room teacher. I actually felt like lining up all 500 kids outside and finding the kids that did this. But instead I went home to cool off and get some control. I wrote a note to her teacher who spent time talking to Danielle the next day. Fortunately there was a supervising teacher outside that helped Danielle until I got there but I seriously hope this is not a sign of things to come and that this was a random attack...because I am on the look-out now.
Here is my munchkin as we get ready to walk to the bus. Take note of the matching purple backpack that is almost as big as her! (Have you guessed that purple is her favorite colour?)
This is what Grade 5 looks like! New haircut, spanking brand new chocolate brown jeggings and all of our supplies! Grade 5 has been a blast!
A reassuring hug from big sister to little sister! (Danielle was quite anxious about starting Grade 1, especially since Madison was not in the Elementary school anymore.)
All in all, it was a successful start to school! I know that this year will be big for both girls...I am a bit sad that they are growing up so quickly but happy that they are excited to embrace all the changes! (But are we ready for the changes?) :-)
Thanks for dropping by!