Monday, October 15, 2012

Natural Light: Week 4

Well this is a bittersweet moment...week 4...gulp... Before I post my last images I must say a big thanks to Sarah and Brooke. This has been a wonderful class and I have enjoyed every moment of it! Thank you!

For this assignment, I chose to shoot outdoors. The weather has been questionable, cloudy and grey skies...but I wanted to give it my best. Here are a couple of silhouettes which I have fun doing. Now I must qualify that these were shot around mid-day (4 pm-ish) so I didn't capture the setting or rising sun but there was a break in the thick cloud cover so I took my chances!

Here is the original shot with an auto white balance.

And here it is again with my white balance as tungsten (I believe?)

And yes I made my daughter jump a third time to shoot with a white balance of kelvin! (The things I do to capture the shot!)

I really hope I captured the essence of the assignment - thanks again Sarah and Brooke for 4 fabulous weeks of shooting and learning!

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