When you asked for a hazy photo, I know you wanted a photo with something like this...but when I was here capturing the time and location of my shot, I had not a cute subject nearby! Consequently, I am left with this...
Now the bigger questions is whether I can capture this gorgeous light again but with a subject in the image, yes? I love this light but I missed the sunset light by about 15 minutes as the sun is setting quite early now...my apologies...
Then I thought, could my other images be considered hazy??? The answer was no. Actually I blew out the image as I over exposed the image :-(
Now for a sharp backlit image...(psst...I know I am supposed to only post 2 but my rellies from abroad like to read my blog from time to time so I hope you will excuse my indiscretion!)
I look forward to hearing my review this week - thanks! Don't read any further because I am going to post my mistaken assignment part now! Thanks Brooke and Sarah!
For everyone else, I misread the assignment and thought I was to shoot a silhouette - oops! I did however surprise myself as I did not think it would be possible to shoot a silhouette with a deeply setting sun at 6:30 ish in the evening...ah the joys of the impending winter...
Watch for my subsequent post this week!